March 2021

We Femmes Super Women awards- 2021

Chandrans Yuva Foundation awarded the Women achievers in and around Coimbatore District. We awarded the Women entrepreneur and the Women achievers in various field. Chandrans Yuva Foundation organised a enormous award functions for the Women entrepreneurs and achievers in various field in and around Coimbatore. This award is named as We Femmes Super Women awards-2021. This award is mainly focus on the Female entrepreneurs and achievers who is being a role model for every women in the society.We choose women achievers in every department who has creating their own path Differently-Abled women also received this We Femmes Super Women award’21.Our award function Guest honored by Dr.A.Nirmala MS(Gen),DSO Dean-Medical college&Hospital coimbatore, Dr.Suma Natarajan MD,DGO,FAGE HOD- Dept of OBGYN Ganga Women and child center, Dr.Ganga Devi MD,DFID Metabolic Health Physician, Ms.Shalaka Vora Area Chairperson Ladies circle India Area 7 address the event then even includes the award distribution.

Chandrans yuva Foundation and FICCI Flo trains 25 rural women to independent and be financially free.

Chandrans Yuva Foundation associated with FICCI Flo in its goal to empower 25 Rural women in and around Co- imbatore through skill de- velopment training program. Chandrans yuva foundation and FICCI Flo coimbatore,helped 25 rural womenandgavethemskilldevelopment training and also provide them training in Spoken – English and Smart-phone application usage,all to provide them as women operator in the last mile delivery. Chandrans Yuva Foundation took demanding endeavors in any event, during the pandemic time frame to recognize the correct possibility to get these training,and prepared them to turn out to be Last Mile delivery operator. During this pandemic situation everyone went to online mode for food, purchaser items and business products, the extension is high for women to turn out to be last mile delivery operator. These trainings set up helped them find work, be financially free and independent.” “Chandrans Yuva Foundation helped that the rural women get preparing to drive bikes, and furthermore made them qualified to apply and get LLR and Driving License.”
“K N Radhakrishnan, Chief and President of TVS Engine Organization and with the Region Supervisor and Region Director of the organization for offering further help After assent, Lotus TVS took the endeavors to orchestrate credits for the rural women to get the bike that they would require and furthermore arranged for certain percentage of discount. “Through this activity the 25 rural women got their TVS Scooty or the vehicle they had picked. with the help of chandrans yuva foundation.


Preethiga balaji,The chairperson FICCI Flo coimbatore,Shashikala Sathyamurthy, The chairperson, Chandrans Yuva Foundation, Uma Sekar Managing director, Avaneetha Textiles Pvt Lt- d,Devika Ramesh, Vertical Head, FICCI Flo, Ritisha Nevada,Exec- utive Committee member, FICCJ Flo ,Vivekanadan, GM, Lotus,TVS together united over the vehicles to the ladies.”
Award for distinguished service to Community.
Our Chairperson received “Award for Distin- guished service to community” from IMA.

Women doctor wings of Indian Medical Association Tamilnadu & Coimbatore presented an “Award for Distinguished Service to community” to Our Chandrans Yuva Foundation chairperson Mrs.Sashikala Sathiyamurthy, On womens day at IMA Hall Coimbatore. As a part of social responsibility & expressing solidarity with the healthcare, Chandrans Yuva Foundation contributed to fighting the COVID19 pandemic by donating foods,Masks,hand sanitizers and Sinks in coimbatore medical college and hospitals and to the police department. and Personal Protective Equipment kits to health care centers.
In the future, Mrs.Sashikala sathiyamurthy, Chairperson of Chandrans Yuva Foundation wishes to induct more and more medical camps and health centers into the movement, enabling rural people to live this beautiful journey at coimbatore to make everyone healthy and more memorable and at the same time make a difference in society through the activities.
Our Chairperson Mrs.Sashikala sathiyamurthy received an “Award for Distinguished Service to community” by women doctor wings of Indian Medical association Tamilnadu & Coimbatore. IMA choosing rightful people from every sin- gle department and awarding them for their excellent contribute to the society and inspiration for the all women. The award function was honoured by Dr.P.Ramakrishnan, The president IMA TNSB, Dr.AK.Ravikumar Secretary IMA TNSB, Dr.NRTR.Thiagarajan Finance secretary IMA TNSB, Dr.V.Rajesh Babu President IMACBE, Dr.Priya Kubendiran Secretary IMA CBE, Dr.KS Maheswaran Finance Secretary IMA CBE, Dr.P.Chitra Chairman WOW IMA TNSB, Dr.S.Narmada Secretary WOW IMA TNSB, Dr.T.Nalini Chairman WOW IMA CBE, Dr.Sowmya Vadana Secretary WOW IMA CBE . The function was proposed by Dr.S.Karthick Prabhu.


Chandrans Yuva Foundation organized a Free Medical Check- up in our foundation were it benifited our staffs and the locals nearer to our foundation. There were over 50 people were ex- amined and were provided with free medication by the doctor. Free medicines were also distrib- uted among locals. The specialist doctors did the blood test, blood pressure test, diabetics test etc. The Physician was there to do the general checkup. There was also body test done for the diffrently abled people. Body check-ups,di- abetics checkup treatments were reported in the medical camp. The staffs,Visually challenged peo- ple,Diffrently abled people and the locals were also educated about the healthy habits and good practices to be followed in order to remain fit and healthy. Locals were ex- tremely grateful to the unit for this earnest endeavor and requested for more such camps in near future for benefit of the local populace.

Webinar About Social Entrepreneurship

On celebrating International Womens day2021 PSG CAS Institution Innovation Council Womens’s Forum In association with FICCI FLO Coimbatore Chapter Invited Mrs. Shasikala Sathyamurthy Chairperson & CEO Chandrans Yuva Foundation. As guest Speaker on Social Entrepre neurship Demystifying Womens Empowerment Our Chairperson Mentoring about Social entrepreneurship and how it approach by individuals, groups, startup companies or entrepreneurs, in which they develop, fund and implement solutions to social, cultural, or environmental issues. This concept may be applied to a wide range of organizations, which vary in size, aims, and beliefs. For profit entrepreneurs typically measure performance using business metrics like profit, revenues and increases in stock prices Through this webinar many young women entrepreneur can be evolved.
Motivational speech ON WOMENS DAY – 2021

Motivational speech to the staffs of Poppy’s hotel:

Chandrans Yuva Foundation Chairperson Mrs.Shasikala sathiyamurthy invited by the Poppys Hotel managment for the motivational speech on Womens day 2021. On Womens day 2021 Poppys Hotel management coimbatore Invited our Chandrans Yuva Foundation chairperson Mrs.Sashikala sathiyamurthy for the motivational speech to their management Women staff ’s. This motivational speech impacts every women to believe on them and stand on their own and independent to run their life. Our chairperson spoked about how everyone has the responsible to the society and created an awarness to do something to our society. To motivate everyone we distributed the certificates of honour for what they are doing in current and it helps them to involve in social responsibilities.

Visually challenged people’s are a superhumans, they have done impossible things which a perfect Humans can’t do. How visually challenged people doing this? by only through practice. Chandran Yuva foundation associated alongside with M s. Preethiga balaji, the chairperson FICCI Flo, coimbatore. conducted a training program about the basket weaving for the visually challenged person. Through this training program it encourages the people to start their weaving business and manage their livelihood.


Vivekananda insititute of Management studies invited Mrs. Shasikala Sathyamurthy Chairperson Chandrans Yuva Foundation On Womens day. Management conducted Women Entrepreneurship training through Webinar. On international Womens day Vivakananda insititute Of management Studies conducted Webinar. On topic of Women Enterpreneurship Where- as Mrs. Shasikala sathyamurthy Chairperson , Chandrans yuva Foundation invited by the Management, CEO , Director & Faculty Members of institution through this webinar Our Chairperson gave the speech about Women enterpreneur-ship this will help the stu- dents to Establish their own startup, Hereby the webinar was honoured by Dr. C. Guna Sekaran CEO & Proffessor Dr. A. Valarmathi Director,Mrs Shasi- kala Sathyamurthy, Chairperson Chandrans yuva Foundation.

School bags, dresses and sanitary napkins distribution to the tribal people of topslip Annaimalai. The objective of improving the lives of tribal people living deep inside the forests, Chandrans Yuva Foundation associated with Girlup foundation has initiated efforts to provide basic amenities and distributed School bag kits,dresses and cotton sanitary napkins to the tribal people of Kolikamuthi villages in the Anamalai Tiger Reserve(ATR). According to officials, there are many small villages in and around the Tiger Reserve, with most of the residents being members belonging to the Scheduled Tribes community. Over 200 people live in the kolikamuthi tribal village located in Anaimalai tiger reserves, Coimbatore district. The village lack basic communities like education, food and shelter and face an acute shortage of dresses. According to officials, there are many small villages in and around the Tiger Reserve, with most of the residents being members belonging to the Scheduled Tribes community.Over 200 people live in the kolikamuthi tribal village located in Anaimalai tiger reserves, Coimbatore district.The village lack basic communities like education, food and shelter and face an acute shortage of dresses.
Anaimalai tribal village people

Birthday celebration of Our Foundation staff:

On March 5th 2021, Our Foudation staff social Media Manager DK Janarthanan celebrated his 24th birthday in our foundation with everyone includes with visually challenged people& Differently abledpeople& colleague staffs and with our Chairperson like a family function. On this auspicious occasion he celebrated his birthday with visually impaired and differently abled and it makes him very joyful and remembered for the life. He distributed sweets to everyone to make this sweet day to the sweetest day of his life.




Celebration of humanity is in everyone’s hands – F OU N D ER